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'The Haunting of Hill House' Review

I take thee Hill House, in sickness and in health, till death do us part… if death even parts us. ‘The Haunting of Hill House’, Netflix has taken Shirley Jackson’s novel and turned it into 10-part scream your heart out sob fest that will stay with you whether you want it to or not. It’s not your average 2018 horror series that has one jump scare after another and overly dramatic ‘the killer is coming’ music that makes you roll your eyes, no, it makes you think and at times question your own sanity.

The series begins with a wide shot of the infamous Hill House, “stood by itself against its hills holding darkness within”, the fog lays tight around the house, the moonlight shining down with no reflection to be seen, it has “stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more”.

The Crain family: life would be hard having five children, with Theo being a badass lesbian, Luke and Nell, twins and as you’d imagine, inseparable, then there is Shirley and Steven who play the typical ‘oldest and wisest’ brother and sister role. But surprisingly they are the least of parents Olivia and Hugh’s worries as they begin their new buy-and-sell renovation project – the Hill House. What was supposed to be a summer of fun-filled wall painting and decorating turned into unexplained mould cracking the walls and heartache, oh so much heartache.

The first few episodes are filled with suspense, they make the air around you a tight grip around your neck and your hair stand on ends. Who did the house belong to? What happened to them? A clue for you, it’s in the name. And you know things that go bump in the night? Well in this series, they are bound by nothing -haunting both day and night. They’ll find any chance to fill the family’s heads with fear, despair and… murderous tendencies.

While the Crain family are the only people who live in the house, they are visited daily by the house’s caretakers Horace and wife Clara Dudley, who have resided on the grounds for many years after living in it for years before that, to say the least, they know of the house and the sinister forces it carries within.

Strange things happen in the Hill House, and it’s not just because of the ghosts that scale the walls and walk the halls, it’s the kids - they are “sensitive” to the paranormal. Nell sees ‘the bent neck lady’, a dead girl, at the end of her bed literally hovering above her which almost makes you laugh but it’s like an ‘ah can’t breathe, can’t laugh, let me cover my eyes’ moment.

So, do you think you’ve opened Pandora’s box, unlocked all the Hill House’s secrets after a few episodes? Well keep watching, and you will keep watching because that box is about to get slammed shut REAL fast.

It's sitting- at- the-edge-of-your-seat-fantastic, it’ll play with your delicate emotions, not to mention fast-paced, and confusing as hell – no pun intended but that’s what we love about it.

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